Out Patient

The Outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule an appointment with the Hospital Consultant Doctor for Medical Consultations. This module supports doctors to take better and timely consultation decisions by providing instant access to comprehensive patient information. The first step in outpatient module is to generate UHID (Unique Hospital Identity number), through this UHID number it captures the patient identifying information, and contact billing details, Drug related information, food & other allergies. The UHID is mandatory number to access, entry & generate any information in the HIMS.


1) UHID Registration

2) Consultation

3) Sub-Visit

4) Payments

5) Cancellation

6) Concessions\Discounts


8 ) Print bills


1) Day Collection

2) User wise collection

3) Shift collection

4) Cancellation between date

5) Concessions between date

6) Refunds between date

7) Free between date

8 ) Doctor wise revenue reports

9) Referral Doctor wise revenue report

10) Due Reports

11) Dues Received report

12) And many more customized reports with demographical representation